May 06, 2015

Hair Health and Growth with Phyto Specific

I have always had tiny, baby type curls along my front hairline, but looking at my hairline recently I noticed that it definitely looked a lot finer than I remembered.

Cue panic and much staring into the mirror whilst interrogating Mr LPM on if he had noticed it, and if so why he hadn’t said anything! In typical male fashion his response was a calm no you look great! Admittedly any other response was liable to get him into trouble…  however it did manage to calm me down.

I realised that no I am not suddenly turning into a middle aged balding man, and on much reflection I remembered that it started when I was going through the stressful period I mentioned I had a few months ago. This meant I didn’t have as much time to take care of my hair, so had worn it in a few too many tightly scraped buns and had also generally neglected my hair in regards to treatments and deep conditioning. (Always a bad idea with fragile Afro hair)

Anyhu, I’m now armed with a good hair trim and two new products that I’m testing out in the hope that they will provide my hairline with a bit of a boost.

I’m also working on a new hair regime, but I’m currently in the early phases, so once I’m sure that it works I will post it up.

The two products I’m about to trial are from the new Phyto Specific Range for Curly Coiled Relaxed Hair.

You all know that I’m a big believer of the phrase beauty starts from within, so the first is Cap’Energy, a dietary supplement for the hair and nails.

The key ingredients are the B Vitamins, which have a well-known track record of being beneficial for hair health and growth.  They are said to provide essential nutrients to increase vitality and to strengthen your hair. Vitamin B6 helps to synthesise cysteine, the natural amino constituent of keratin. While Vitamin B8, also known as biotin is essential for hair and nail growth and for preventing hair loss and premature gray hairs.

The second is Phytotraxil – an anti thinning treatment for traction alopecia. Its meant to boost hair growth in traumatised areas caused by pulling and is said to be perfect for post weaving, braiding and relaxing.

I’ve literally only just started using the products and will come back with an update in the next couple of months on how effective they have been on my hair.

Have you tried any of these products? Or have you experienced similar hair problems before? What did you do? Would love to know in the comments below

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