March 23, 2015

Motivational Monday: Change Your Story

Have you ever felt trapped?

Stuck in a situation or something and feeling like you can’t see the wood for the trees…

Two weeks ago I felt stuck

One week ago I felt stuck

And then a few days ago I made a decision. I realised I had a choice in how this little story ended and just like that I changed my story.

I decided to stop focusing on what I wasn’t happy about and instead turn my focus onto what I wanted.

Has my situation changed? Not yet. But I’m a lot further along than where I was.  

Just by making that decision to change the situation I was in and in realising that I didn’t have to stay where I was.

I have a new lift in my step and a lightness in my heart.

By taking action and moving forward, I know there will be a different ending.

So if you are feeling trapped in anyway, be it in a job, relationship, wanting to loose weight …or whatever it is.

Be encouraged to know that the story doesn’t have to end there; you can always change your story.

Have you ever felt stuck or trapped before? What did you do to get out of the situation? I would love to know in the comments below

Have a fantastic week.


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