February 18, 2015

3 Lip balms to Weather Proof Your Lips

Don’t you just hate it when you pop your lipstick or gloss on and it just emphasises how dry your lips are?

I’m a bit of a lip balm obsessive, particularly in winter when the heating and frosty air just seems to draw all the moisture away from your lips.

Here are my 3 current favourite industrial style hydrating lip balms to give cracked, painful and chapped lips the heave ho.

Yu-Be Moisturising Skin Cream £13.50

Developed in 1957, this lovely moisturising skin cream is one of Japan's best selling vitamin-enriched skincare creams. With a rich glycerine formula, it goes on like a cream but immediately sinks in as you rub it in. It’s the lightest of the 3 and has a nice matt finish so is great for applying your lipstick afterwards.

It does have a bit of a camphor fragrance when you apply it, but this fades away quite quickly afterwards. It’s also multipurpose, so can be used anywhere else that feels a little dry.

Lanolips 101 Ointment - £10.99

I had heard so much about this, but had resisted until recently when I was out and had forgotten my makeup bag at home. Don’t ask! Anyway the freezing cold air was seriously drying out my lips and I could feel those little painful cracks starting to appear! So what was a girl to do? I leapt into my closest Boots and picked one up. All I can say is I finally understand what the fuss is all about.

This little tube completely soothed my dry and somewhat painful lip and applying another layer before bed, I woke up with soft, smooth lips.

It’s made out of 100% Ultra Medical Grade Lanolin and its extremely thick so you might need to build some arm muscles to get it out of the tube if you leave it out in the cold, but once on it melts into a smooth un-fragranced and nourishing balm.

Blistex Relief Cream £2.99

The most affordable of the 3, this little white tube works wonders if I have allowed my lips to get out of control for any reason. Intended for cold sores, cracked or chapped lips, I tend to use this occasionally rather than for daily use and would apply a thick layer at night, it never fails to leave me normal and moisturised lips come the morning.

A little extra tip

If your lips are already cracked and peeling, then I would start off with something like the Lanolips.  Slather your lips in it and be quite generous. Leave it to sink in then maybe apply another layer. Leave it on for a while, then soak some cotton wool in warm water and rub that over your lips, you will find that the cracked, dry skin comes off quite easily. You can also try using an old toothbrush if your lips aren’t too sore.

What are your favourite lip balms lips? Would love to know in the comments below

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