June 30, 2014

Motivational Monday: You are beautiful just the way you are

I came across this Dove video recently and it really challenged me

It challenged me to take a step back and consider how I view myself, to think about what I say to myself and about myself.

Sometimes we have a bad day where we don't feel our best (a certain time of the month springs to mind)  and that's fair enough

It's when we constantly look in the mirror and find faults or feel that we are somehow lacking in our looks that it becomes a problem.

I believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder (which happens to be yourself when you are looking in the mirror) and your perception of your beauty is a state of mind.

It's about changing your thoughts about how you view yourself, and accepting who you are in all your natural beauty as being perfect just the way you are.

I really love the statement the last woman made towards the end of the video "I wanted it to be about me and not about the patch"

After watching the video I felt inspired to write this post and to start saying some affirmations.  I strongly believe in the phrase "you are what you think" and feel that our thoughts can have a big impact on what goes on around us.  Affirmations encourage your brain to form new thoughts and restructure or rewire how you think, and like exercising a muscle, the more you say them, the more you build the muscle.

I have been repeating the following affirmations to myself for the last couple of mornings and I encourage you to try them out for yourself for a few weeks. Or find another affirmation that resonates with you.


I am fearfully and wonderfully made

I am beautiful just the way I am 

I am beautiful on the inside and out

When I look in the mirror I see nothing but pure beauty

Motivational Monday posts are posted every other Monday.

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