June 02, 2014

Motivational Monday: Halfway through the year

Hey lovelies,

Hope you had a lovely weekend, I'm back from my holiday of sun, sea and sand

June is such an interesting month for me, it's the middle of the year which over the weekend suddenly sent me into major panic mode of "oh my gosh I'm halfway through the year and have barely scratched the surface of my goals for the year" 

Incidentally June also happens to be my birthday month which brings the awareness that I'm another year older and only heightens the feeling of panic.

In case you are wondering how this post is in any way motivational, stick with me...

After I stood up from my panic foetal position, I decided the only way to move forward was to address a few things:

1) Get Up! Whilst lying down in said foetal position was somewhat comforting, it wasn't really addressing the issue or helping me move forward 

2) I decided to embrace my low because it's how I will reach my high. Feeling down about the fact that I hadn't really done as much as I would like to was actually a positive thing, it's a signal that I'm unhappy about how things are going so I need to change it. 

3) Be kind to myself  and not beat myself up so much, yes I messed up but it wasn't the end of the world and I still have 6 months to go achieve my goals

4) Review why I hadn't achieved what I set out to do. This meant taking a good hard look at myself and accepting that some of the things I was meant to do at the beginning of the year, I hadn't actually finished! For example I started my vision board but (covering my eyes in shame here) didn't finish it. So not having those goals staring at me each day meant that it was easy to forget them and get distracted by other things

5) My goals were still too large. I needed to break them down into smaller actionable steps and make those steps more of a habit 

6) Finally commit to the change and decide not to give up

An old proverb says, "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second-best time is now." Get busy now sowing the seeds of the life you want to grow over the next 6 months to a year.

How are you doing with all your dreams and goals for the year? Have you been ticking things off your list? If so please share your tips with us in the comments below.

If not what are you going to do make sure the next 6 months work out differently? Let me know in the comments below.

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