March 31, 2014

Motivational Monday: Moving past rejection

I try to have a good attitude, whenever I get disappointed if something I was hoping for doesn't happen. Funnily enough this happened a couple of weeks ago, there was something I was hoping to get and then I got the news that they had decided to go in a different direction.

I was disappointed, but I try to believe that (A) everything happens for a reason and (B) something good and positive is always waiting for me around the corner. So when I recently got some great news about something else, I realised it really was a blessing in disguise, as if I had gotten my first option I wouldn't have had the time to do the second, much better option that had come my way.

So todays motivational post is just a little encouragement that rejection doesn't mean failure. Sometimes the word no means ask again or this isn't for you and there is something better in store.

I think it's only if you decide to see the rejection as a failure that you become a failure. I know it's hard especially when you desperately want something, but truly winning is being able to shake off that rejection, pick yourself up and try again.

I read a recent quote that 14 out of 15 people will say no to a salesperson ,but they choose to measure their success by getting the 1 person that says yes.

It's also important not to take the rejection personally, most of the time the rejection isn't actually about you and if you find that it is, then it's good to take a step back, look at it objectively and figure out what you can do to improve on that area.

The truth is everybody falls down, it's very rare for really successful people to just have it handed to them on a plate, but the key is to get back up again and keep going.

Have you ever been rejected for anything? How did you cope with it and move past it? Let me know in the comments below



  1. it really is always difficult to get a no, even when you didn't particularly want the thing, suddenly it's like even the thing I didn't want doesn't want me!! You are so right though, we shouldn't take it personally & we certainly shouldn't give up!

  2. Khadijat Ayodele7 April 2014 at 22:42

    I live by 'what is meant for me, will not pass me by.' Having said that, I don't like getting a rejection, but I do try not to take it personally and move on quickly to the next big thing in my life.

