March 03, 2014

Motivational Monday: The Grass is Greener Where You Water It

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Hey lovelies,

Hope you had a fantastic weekend. 

If you follow me on twitter, you will know that I was a little under the weather last week, so I completely zoned out to recover, hence the lack of posts. If you don't follow me on twitter, why ever not?!? do come over - here's my Twitter Link and feel free to send me lots of belated get well soon messages.

On a more serious note my life lesson for today hit me after listening to a song by Justin Bieber called "As long as you love me",  in a friends car the other day. I know, I know - Justin Bieber and the words life lesson sounds like a complete contradiction but bear with me...

There is a line in the song that says "The Grass is Always Greener Where You Water it" and it got me thinking of the phrase we all know so well which is "The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side".

Where we essentially look over at someone else and think they have it so much better than we do. I'm definitely guilty of it! *covers face in shame*

But if we are completely honest and  take a long hard look, I think what we are really doing is comparing "our behind the scenes to someone else's highlights" especially as we don't know everything they have done to achieve what they have. We are also looking for the easy way out rather than taking the time to really work for what we want.

I'm not a gardener but I know that beautiful gardens don't happen by accident (take it from someone who has sadly killed a few too many plants in her time). They need nourishment, water, time and someone to tend to them regularly.

In the same way so does anything that we want to achieve. I think it's important to stop looking over the fence at someone else's garden and thinking ooh, I want that! Instead take a long hard look at your grass (which is quite possibly brown and patchy) and make the decision to love your grass for where it is now and for where it is going. Choose to water and nourish that grass, and you know what?

Given time that watered grass will be just as green.

Are you guilty of the grass is greener syndrome? Have you moved past it? What did you do? Let me know in the comments below?

Have a lovely week guys


Motivational Monday posts are posted every other Monday.

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