January 20, 2014

Motivational Monday: Act like you already have it

One of the things I have been thinking about a lot recently is the power of our thoughts and this video from Oprah Winfrey has kept me inspired for the last week, and really challenged me to think about it even more.

Many of us including myself as mentioned in my last motivational monday post have set goals and plans for the new year, aiming for the things we want in our lives.

So often however we find that although on the surface we have certain beliefs and although we might feel motivated, it's often difficult to achieve those goals.

This video talks about our subconscious beliefs that could be holding us back.  It's about becoming conscious of those hidden thoughts, those thoughts that come up and challenge what we want. 

Once we become aware of them, it's about choosing to focus on what we really want and then starting to act like we already have those things, moving forward and aligning our actions with our beliefs.

What do you think? Do you find that you have some hidden thoughts that go against what you want? Let me know in the comments below.

Motivational Monday posts are posted every other Monday.

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