December 09, 2013

Motivational Monday: Vision with Action can change the world

There is something about historic moments. Most people can almost always remember where they were and what they were doing when the moment happened.

One such historic moment was on the 5th December, I was sitting and working quite late at my desk wishing I could climb into bed when Mr LPM said "Mandela has passed away". I remember both of us pausing at this point not really knowing what to say but knowing that a moment of silence was needed. 

Later that evening and for a few days afterwards, I found that everywhere I looked be it on the News, Facebook, Instagram etc there was a message and acknowledgement of who Mandela was and what he had accomplished. Taking to a friend we both talked about the impact Mandela seemed to have had on so many lives (both in his life and death) and I have to admit that I was challenged by this.

A couple of years ago I was privileged to visit the prison on Robben Island in South Africa where Mandela spent many years in prison, and I remember standing in the prison marvelling at his endurance and being humbled by his patience and belief.

And that is what this blog post is about today. Mandela is a hero to so many people for what he accomplished but he was also a man. This challenged me to realise that there is great power in simply having a conviction, dream and belief going for it. 

So as this year speedily comes to an end 2014 rolls in, I will be trying to follow my dreams and heed the words of Mandela that "Vision with Action can change the world". You just need to know what you want to achieve, have that end goal in sight and start going for it.

 What would you like to accomplish next year? Let me know in the comments below. 


Motivational Monday posts are posted every other Monday.

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