November 25, 2013

Motivational Monday: There is always something to be thankful for

How many of you started out this year wanting something, hoping for something, dreaming of something and wishing for something with all your might and it came true this year?

And how many of you after it came true quickly moved on to hoping and wishing for something else on your wish list? Not really taking the time to fully appreciate what you received

I’m holding up my hands here and saying I’m definitely guilty as charged!

I was talking to one of my closest and dearest friends yesterday and she said something that stuck with me. She talked about “riding the wave” which can be applied to anything you are going through in life. She also mentioned that you can’t ask for something, get it and then be ungrateful.

This got me thinking of how easy it is for us to be fickle (as described above) and how sometimes we have such a big list of wants that we don’t really stop to smell the roses or appreciate what we have already been blessed with. 

I don’t know if you guys feel the same but I also realised that sometimes after I have received a blessing, I move on and almost forget that I received it. Or sometimes I get so bogged down by life itself that I forget to be thankful for my simple and daily blessings.

I decided to look up the meaning of the word THANKSGIVING and this is what the dictionary said

Thanksgiving [ˈθæŋksˌgɪvɪŋ (US) θæŋksˈgɪvɪŋ]
1. the act of giving thanks
2. (Christianity / Ecclesiastical Terms)
a.  an expression of thanks to God
b.  a public act of religious observance or a celebration in acknowledgment of divine favours

I love that definition and regardless of if you are a christian or not, I personally think this would be a great time to take stock of your year so far and look at everything and every reason you have to be thankful.

This doesn’t mean that your life is perfect, but rather it’s being able to look objectively at all your big and little victories and be thankful for it. It’s also being able to look at your challenges and realise that even through those you are still standing.

This Thursday the 28th of November is Thanksgiving Day in America and I have decided to join them in celebrating it.  I will be writing a list of things of things and people I’m thankful for and celebrating with Mr. LPM. Following that I’m going to keep a gratitude diary and each day just before I go to sleep write a list of at least 3 things I was thankful for throughout the day.

One of the first things on my list is YOU. Yes you my lovely readers and subscribers. Thank you for all your support of my blog and for being on my journey with me. I truly thank and appreciate you.

What are you thankful for? Let me know in the comments below

Motivational Monday posts are posted every other Monday.

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  1. I am thankful for your motivational Monday posts.

  2. Awww thank you Leillah, that really means a lot. xx
