September 11, 2012

LPM - Memories of Venice in Instagram

So I went to Venice for a long weekend a couple of weekends ago and it was so unbelievably beautiful, but I also found it a little sad in that I finally understood what Ms Gilbert meant in the book Eat Pray Love when she described it "as the sinking melancholy of Venice" . The architecture and city is stunning, but sadly just isn't being maintained and it’s so sad to think of it just crumbling away. That being said it was still absolutely beautiful and the weather was amazingly hot!!! Giving me the perfect excuse to over indulge in pizza, granita and gelato, which by the way is hands down the best pizza and ice cream I have ever tasted. Sorry guys spent the last week and a half catching up (always the way when you go away) so didn’t really get the chance to blog, but here are some pictures from my instagram of beautiful Valencia. If you would like to follow me on instagram my id is lotionspotionsme .

 P.s one of the most exciting things was discovering that Venice had a Kiko and the beauuty mecca that is Sephora!!!


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