August 31, 2012

Betty Boop for Lancome Hypnôse Star Mascara

So I'm a little late on this. I heard about it ,but just never got round to watching the video (covers face with palm). Finally did and I love it, especially Betty Boop who is just too adorable. Oh, in case you are thinking, huh, what is she talking about?! It's the Lancome Hypnôse Star Mascara advert which combines two very glamorous female stars, Canadian supermodel Daria  Werbowy and vintage icon Betty Boop. After watching the video I feel like going to put on some lashes, just to flutter them around

If like myself, you have also been living under a rock, check out the video below and  drop me a line to keep me company under the rock. It retails for £21.00

Now I'm off to wind up Mr LPM by humming Boop Boop Be Doop for the rest of the day.

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