June 13, 2012

I'm Back.....

Hello LPM Lovelies and any LPM Newbies,

Welcome to LPM restarted! (Cue drum rolls, backflips and a graceful pirouette) After a self imposed hiatus (more on this later) I am absolutely thrilled to be back.

Now before I carry on, firstly I just have to say that I’m so sorry for going completely AWOL on you without so much as a blog post, message, or even a date in a crowded restaurant (hangs head in shame whilst also waving a white flag) So why the disappearing act?  Well to be completely honest there were two reasons; first I had so much going on personally, such as a new crazy job amongst other things, that I just found it hard to juggle everything. The second and main reason was that I lost my blog identity and I found myself writing to please others! At which point it became too difficult to be myself.

But ,as they say time is a healer and I’m now older, wiser and back, hoping to be better than ever….So what do I have in store for you? Well no specific promises, taking baby steps here, but I do promise to make this blog real and to just be myself!

Thanks for reading this, the kind wishes and for sticking with me

Love LPM. xxx


  1. Welcome back! You were missed. It's ok to take a break & prioritise the most important things in your life as they present themselves. I speak from experience and have had to do the same. I'm sure you're back new & improved xxx

  2. Welcome back. Looking forward to hearing about your new and exciting forays into the world of beauty on our behalf. this lady of colour is waiting with bated breath1 A particularly auspicious date to reclaim your throne as it is indeed your birthday! Best wishes to you and LPM!
