I am so, so sorry for my lack of posts recently. To say things have been busy is a bit of an understatement! I am back now though, yay!! And will try my best not to pull a disappearing act again.
So my post title today is all about fresh starts – well ok a slight exaggeration, but it is a bit of a fresh start for the blog. For those of you who have been with me from the beginning – you might remember that my blog was supposed to be about all things beauty related, but I keep veering off track and wanting to discuss various other things as well. What can I say i'm a Gemini and as a result I’m chatty, tend to want to float from conversation to conversation and can get bored easily. Anyway the outcome of this is that I have started to feel a little bit messy and a bit all over the place, hence the idea of a fresh start. I also received a few comments from people saying that my blog had turned a bit too beauty focused and a little serious :-( what can I say? dammit, I write serious things! Lol, ok I will try to lighten the tone, but I thought I should clarify that this blog first and foremost is a beauty blog so it will be quite beauty focused…
So this is what i’m proposing to do – structure! Yep, I will be putting a bit of structure into the blog….boring I know, but I actually think it will be helpful for you guys and definitely for me as well…..so my aims are:
1) To post an absolute minimum of two blogs a week but my top aim is three
2) Two of the posts will be about beauty (with 1 possibly on style) but my third post will be about anything I feel like discussing or ranting about.
3) To try and post on the following days – Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please note that the operative word is try – sometimes I might get caught up with other bits and pieces so please love me and understand if I don’t…and know that I love you too and you are in my thoughts
4) The bag spy – yes, yes I know it’s meant to be every other Monday. It’s currently running at one Monday a month but I promise to try to make this every two weeks….so on that note if you are interested in taking part – please do get in touch and let me know. You don’t have to be packing a professional bag or be a professional makeup artist– you just need to want to share.
Ok that’s it for now – I would love any feedback, thoughts or ideas from you guys so please feel free to drop me a line and don’t be scared of the blog or me – I promise I don’t bite. In fact if it helps to soften my image…here is a picture of me at the moment. I am currently enamoured of the sofa, with hot chocolate and fluffy slippers. See no teeth in sight.
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