Oh dear – Another one bites the dust! Just when you think the economy is improving you hear something like this! All over blogosphere is the news that come 31st January 2010 Estee Lauder will be closing down Prescriptives! Apparently the brand was underperforming and Estee Lauder didn’t feel its longevity was viable with the current market environment. For a brand that has been going for the last 30 years, this is so sad and alarming for the industry as a whole. Read the details here http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS191350+17-Sep-2009+BW20090917
Now while I wasn’t too keen on their custom blend foundation – I always seemed to be a different colour each time and when I took the foundation home it never really seemed to work with my skin! I was however quite partial to one of their powders… But putting makeup likes and dislikes aside, I do feel very sorry for all the people who will be out of work as a result and wish them all the best. For all you prescriptive lovers out there, I suggest you scuttle over to various counters and stock up before it’s all gone.

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